tips needed; dealing with mental block while coding

Lennart Sorensen lsorense-1wCw9BSqJbv44Nm34jS7GywD8/FfD2ys at
Tue Mar 27 20:57:13 UTC 2007

On Tue, Mar 27, 2007 at 11:07:15AM -0400, Mike Kallies wrote:
> Very much agreed here.  Caffeine is the credit card of sleep.  You've
> got to pay it all back sometime.
> If you can get on exercise, good food and good sleep, you're doing
> much better.  You'll need less caffeine when you want it too.

I think it has been probably 2 years since I had any real amount of
caffiene (I don't eat that much chocolate).  Never did like coffee, and
I simply don't have any more Colas either.

Result is that I sleep better, my stomach isn't upset any more, and I
can get up in the morning, and am no longer tending towards a 26 or 28
hour day (which only just works in university, but sure doesn't in real
life).  Now if I could just get into the exercise habit.

Len Sorensen
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