Rogers high-speed internet

Lennart Sorensen lsorense-1wCw9BSqJbv44Nm34jS7GywD8/FfD2ys at
Tue Jan 23 15:42:47 UTC 2007

On Mon, Jan 22, 2007 at 09:25:46PM -0500, Charles philip Chan wrote:
> Sympatico is not too bad if you can support yourself. Although the speed
> is slower than cable, but the speed is constant since I don't have to
> share my connection with the whole neighbourhood.

But you do have to share the ISP and the rest of the internet with them.
Big freaking deal.  That claim is one of the lamest marketing scams the
DSL people have come up with.  DSL is very nice, and has the advantage
of not having to deal with rogers, but the sharing with your neighbours
thing is just a load of crap.  Some cable areas may be badly designed
and have too many users on one segment (cogeco seems to love doing
this), but from what I have seen rogers does a decent job keeping the
number reasonable (I have no problem getting 700KB/s transfers

> Which is of no use since their TOS forbids servers, IIRC.

All the larger generic consumer oriented ones have that.  I don't
consider having ssh access to my PC to make it a server.  A web server
or mail server would be another issue.

Len Sorensen
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