Where's the LVM utils? ( Debian - Ubuntu )

Merv Curley mervc-MwcKTmeKVNQ at public.gmane.org
Sun Jan 21 22:25:47 UTC 2007

On Sunday 21 January 2007 15:58, Tim Writer wrote:

Both installs were Edgy...
> It sounds to me like you didn't use the partitioner correctly. It will
> insist you have a root file system but it won't care if it's on a physical
> partition or a logical volume. If it was insisting you needed a root file
> system, you must not have created one in a logical volume.
> The Debian/Ubuntu partitioner does take some getting used to. IIRC, there's
> a separate Configure LVM step. You must create the /boot partition first,
> then (I think) the partition for LVM (your single PV), then do the
> Configure LVM step. At this point, you'll have a bunch of logical
> volumes. You will then have to tell the partitioner how to use each LV,
> i.e. format as ext3, mount on /, etc.
This was the key.  I discovered that after I created the /boot and LVM 
partitions they had to be written to disk.  Then I noticed the 'Configure the 
Logical Volume manager' line at the top with the Guide/Help lines.

I configured the Volume Group,  again, write to disk

Finally got through the creation of 3 logical vol's of the size and mount 
points that I wanted. Write to disk and then the Ubuntu install started and 
is going on as I write this.

Thanks so much for this help Tim and taking out time on a Sunday afternoon.

I still have free space on the hard drive and unallocated space inside the 
Volume group so I can experiment with extending log. volumes and stuff like 
you and Lennart have explained.



Merv Curley
Toronto, Ont. Can

SuSE 10.2 Linux    
Desktop  KDE 3.5.5    KMail 1.9.5

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