LVM and MythTV

Merv Curley mervc-MwcKTmeKVNQ at
Fri Jan 12 17:02:56 UTC 2007

Those who have helped me get MythTV going, thanks. I now have a backend 
computer with the equivalent of 2 PVR-150's and one computer with a backend 
slave and frontend working.

The MythDora distro did the job. I followed the Ubuntu backend instructions 
and that failed when I couldn't retrieve some files and then the frontend the 
same thing, when I couldn't get the gtk2.0 binaries. I know they are there in 
the pool - G directory but apt-get just can't find them.

Anyway, MythDora sets up a Logical Volume for the data partition and I would 
like to add another e-ide harddisk to that volume.  I have gone through the 
LVM Howto, but it is many, many pages written in 2002 and somehow nothing 
that old is relevant nor can I find just what I need to do. Can someone post 
some doc's they found that explains LVM in a manner I might understand?

I did see some information about doing this in my myth travels but I have no 
idea if it was a forum or where I read it. Not enough sense to make a note of 
it at the time.  Kinda wordy request for help, sorry.

Merv Curley
Toronto, Ont. Can

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