PCB tools for Linux (was Whenceforth the Ubuntu fanboyz now?)

Christopher Friedt cfriedt-u6hQ6WWl8Q3d1t4wvoaeXtBPR1lH4CV8 at public.gmane.org
Mon Feb 12 19:32:01 UTC 2007

Kevin Cozens wrote:
> Have you looked at the gEDA suite (http://www.geda.seul.org)?
I've used gEDA (with both spiceng and gnucap backends), but it seems 
that it's a little unstable - i've had it crash on me unexpectedly 
numerous times in one sitting, just doing a schematic & simulation for a 
very simple RC circuit.

> BTW, does Octave handle equation solving along the lines of TK! Solver? 
> I'm talking about a program where you can enter a formula, give it some 
> known values for the variables and have it solve for the unknowns 
> without have to re-arrange the formula.
> ie. Enter the formula for resonant frequency (Fr), provide values for Fr 
> and C and have the program solve for L.

I think what Kevin is talking about above is symbolic math facilities, 
which i know that matlab & mathematica allow for. Matlab is _ok_ for 
this, so long as you've forked out all of the cash for the latest 
version. At my lab we have version 2007b or something like that, and 
symbolic math works like a charm (integration, simplification)

On the other hand, at my old lab, our version of matlab was 7.0.1 and 
its symbolic editor crashed on every use, claiming something to do with 
the libc version on the system.

I'm fairly interested in using octave a bit more too, does anyone know 
any other information about it? From what I understand, it has a syntax 
that is practically identical to matlab - along with many of the same 
built-in functions.

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