Whenceforth the Ubuntu fanboyz now?

Stephen Allen kru_tch-FFYn/CNdgSA at public.gmane.org
Thu Feb 8 23:55:23 UTC 2007

JoeHill wrote:
> On Thu, 08 Feb 2007 17:22:38 -0500
> Stephen Allen got an infinite number of monkeys to type out:

That attribution while funny the first time, gets old fast.

>> Yeah I don't think the Linux desktop is ever going to be reality. It
>> goes back to understanding what the market that uses Graphical Desktops
>> want. <ie> Marketing for normal everyday users, as opposed to hacker
>> culture needs. Nothing wrong with hacker culture though.
> Oh, well, I'm sure the millions of hackers who handed you the Linux kernel for
> free the last ten years are relieved to hear that ;-)

The kernel is Linux, and we're talking Linux desktops not the kernel.
Nice try though at a strawman.

>> Apple has spent litterally millions on getting it pretty close to what
>> users actually want and like (although not perfect). I don't see Ubuntu
>> being the solution either.
> Reasons? Facts? Any connection with reality whatsoever? Or just more 'I think
> therefore it is.'?

You doubt that Apple has spent millions on their desktop? I'm not sure
what your point is, Joe.

>> I've been using Linux for probably a decade or little more (mainly as
>> server OS). There just isn't the full suite of applications that I need
>> to use on a daily basis for the Linux desktop to be reality where I work
>> or at my home.
> Not yet. Five years ago it was a struggle for me to anything in terms of
> 'desktop' applications on Linux. Now I plug it in/install it, and it just
> works. Is that all of a sudden going to stop for some reason that I am unaware
> of?

You haven't been paying attention. Applications come first and in the
work world that uses desktops, Linux isn't there for a reason. There
aren't many great applications that many people use daily that actually
run on it, or run on it well.

Until the Linux desktop is exposed to people in a work environment,
there won't be any wide scale adoption of the Linux desktop in the home,
therefore it won't improve to get to the stage that the others are.

You're seriously in dreamland if you think otherwise.

>> Like another poster suggested earlier this week, the desktop application
>> suite has to be developed for Linux, in order for the desktop to be even
>> a good sell to most people. Unfortuantely that will require  copious
>> proprietary products being supported by vendors for Linux. I don't see
>> that happening. :(
> Jeez, talk about religion. This is absolutely no different than 'As it was in
> the beginning, so shall it ever be'. Don't you guys ever get tired of spewing
> baseless assumptions?

Joe it's called being pragmatic as opposed to being dogmatic. We all
know that most Linux users are good at spouting dogma. ;)

BTW just curious Joe, but have you ever rolled your own kernel? :-P
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