.ogg to .mp3 converter

Lennart Sorensen lsorense-1wCw9BSqJbv44Nm34jS7GywD8/FfD2ys at public.gmane.org
Tue Dec 18 20:09:59 UTC 2007

On Tue, Dec 18, 2007 at 12:20:54PM -0500, Brandon Sandrowicz wrote:
> Should we start using line-feed printers too?  Text-based photoshop?
> VT100 OpenOffice.org with TrueType fonts?
> Looking pretty doesn't necessary affect usability, but things like
> having a listbox that someone can drag files into and then hit a
> button that says "convert" is a lot easier than having to teach
> someone regular expressions just to use something.

If it involves dragging, it is already broken.  There must be a way to
do it without dragging.  Dragging is a surprisingly odd concept to many
users, and it is not at all obvious that such an operation should be
possible (or in some stupid cases required).

> You don't argue that power steering is for wussies and everyone that
> owns a car should be able to pull a MacGuyver whenever part of the
> engine breaks (using toothpicks and chewing gum to replace the fan
> belt or something).

Power steering does not make steering difficult or more time consuming.
GUIs do make things take more time.

> While text-based might be perfectly workable I would hardly say it's
> as intuitive to new users as many of the conventions of a graphical
> interface.  But I don't want to get into an argument about graphical
> vs text.  I've had many discussions about how "intuitive" things are
> with people on Mac forums and it's like bashing your head against a
> wall.  People have different ways of looking at things and you're not
> going to make it completely intuitive to everyone until word
> proccessing becomes something like Snow Crash, where you sit down at a
> virtual desk in a virtual world to write your memo on a virtual peice
> of paper.

A text menu or prompt can in many cases be much more obvious than a GUI.
The majority of programmers make very very bad GUI designs.

Len Sorensen
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