MythTV presentation sources and resources.

Anthony de Boer adb-tlug-AbAJl/g/NLXk1uMJSBkQmQ at
Tue Dec 18 16:06:52 UTC 2007

Christopher Browne wrote:
> Note: I have added all of these links to the GTALUG wiki:

Would help if the DNS for that domain wasn't presently laying in tatters.

Meanwhile, availability of some of the bits in this area would be a
helpful part of this.  Some items mentioned on the major MythTV pages
might be discontinued or otherwise unavailable in Canada at present.  The
docs suggest that the DVR-350 card is the thing one wants, and from your
earlier note that you were able to obtain a used one, so it sounds like
there's a bit of an issue with tracking those down.  If there's a
replacement that works under Linux (especially the output to a TV; it
seems like most video cards prefer proprietary drivers) the state of play
there would be useful to figure out.

Anthony de Boer
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