backup & low downtime for home network

Chris Aitken chris-n/jUll39koHNgV/OU4+dkA at
Thu Dec 6 17:41:40 UTC 2007

Lennart Sorensen wrote:

>On Thu, Dec 06, 2007 at 10:09:51AM -0500, Chris Aitken wrote:
>>That I did not know. I am doing the hard drive installations now. So, I 
>>should put one drive on one IDE cable (I guess we call that IDE1) and 
>>the other on the other cable (IDE2)? So, then do I jumper them both as 
>>"Single/Master", "Master" or what? I guess each hard drive will be 
>>Master on it's respective IDE cable and the DVD burner and CD-ROM as 
>>Slave. In the past I've not put CD drive and hard drive on the same 
>>cable because I hear that data transfer speed will dumb down to the CD 
>>drive speed. Will this affect me or only when I'm actually /using/ the 
>>CD-ROM or DVD drive?
>Unless you have an ancient IDE controller, it will be able to run each
>drive at full speed.  Also all newer CD and DVD writers support bus
>disconnect so that when they are doing a long command they disconnect
>from the IDE bus and let other commands happen until they are done.  Old
>CD-ROM drives and writers would lock the BUS while doing commands (so a
>2 minute erase operation would lock up the IDE channel for 2 minutes).
>As for jumpers, I just run cable select on everything.  That way the
>driver at the end of the cable (for 80wire cables, which everything
>ought to be using by now anyhow) will be master, and the one on the
>middle connector is the slave.  If you are using old 40wire cables, then
>set master and slave on the drives appropriately.
Okay, I set Master and Slave on each IDE cable. I'm starting up the 
computer now (I'm installing ubuntu 7.10). The first thing I see is,

The folowing configuration options were automatically updated:

Disk: 137438MB   WDC WD1600AAJB-00PVA0
CD-ROM: CDD-1480

The problem is that the salesman told me these are 160 GB drives. I just 
spoke with a guy at the local Krazy Krazy - he says that the "DOS on the 
motherboard" uses the missing 22 GB. Is that true? I didn't know CMOS 
settings were DOS. And I'm surprised it needs 22 GB of hard disk space. 
That's bigger thatn the biggest hard drive I've ever owned (which was 20 
GB until now).

Also, I'm surprised that the second hard drive (Master on the other IDE 
cable) wasn't detected - or maybe that is going to be on the next POST 
output message...


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