gtkpod on ubuntu

Brandon Sandrowicz bsandrow-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w at
Mon Dec 3 12:58:36 UTC 2007 is another repository to use.

There is also but it seems more debian oriented...
sometimes installs can work though.  I wouldn't try to install core
system things which may be different between Debian and Ubuntu, but
installing something like a newer version of Pidgin probably wouldn't

This will help you to figure out adding keys and such so that apt-get
doesn't complaint to you about ubtrusted sources.

Also realize (I don't think that the wiki mentions it) that -- if you
are directly editing the /etc/apt/sources.list -- there is a directory
/etc/apt/sources.d (IIRC) where you can add separate files for each
new repository.  This way you don't have to keep adding new
repositories to the sources.list file cluttering it up.  I think there
must also be a better reason for separating them into their own files
too, but I can't think of/remember it right now.  But the sources.list
can get quite cluttered when you are trying to install the latest
version of this or that app, because lots of developers keep
repositories that only contain an app or two that they are working on.
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