gtkpod on ubuntu

chris-n/jUll39koHNgV/OU4+dkA at chris-n/jUll39koHNgV/OU4+dkA at
Sat Dec 1 23:51:01 UTC 2007

The primary hard drive on my production computer died. Yeah, the one a few 
of you helped me to install gtkpod (and other things) onto. I've already 
installed ubuntu onto my daughter's machine. Since it's her iPod (which I 
gave to her last week) I thought I'd install gtkpod onto her own computer so 
she can use it. I installed gtkpod with apt-get install gtkpod. I guess 
that's what we use on the debian side of things. [Now that I've been finally 
talked into trying a debian-type OS I've been informed 'Ubuntu is not 
Debian'.] Sigh. I digress. Another reason I want to get gtkpod going on the 
ubuntu machine is that if I like ubuntu then I'll just install that on the 
new hard drive I got for my production machine. That will get me out of the 
rpm-based distros (on half of our computers anyway). 

The ubuntu computer sees the iPod and mounts it on /dev/sdb1 

gtpod installed okay and sees the songs on the iPod. However, trying to add 
a song from the hard drive, I hit 'Save Changes' and it fails on the 
conversion (from .ogg to .mp3). 

I don't know whether I'm supposed to go through the whole svn installation 
of libgpod (and the other stuff that I did that I can't retrace until I 
re-install Thunderbird on and load the saved mail file from backup) or if 
the process will be different on ubuntu. 

Any ideas for first steps would be appreciated. 

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