restore thunderbird mail file

Chris Aitken chris-n/jUll39koHNgV/OU4+dkA at
Mon Aug 27 18:35:33 UTC 2007

Sorry to start yet another thread of possible slightly different name. 
I've lost a bit of mail but the problem is resolved.

Since I found that all the Mailbox files were missing I checked the 
original mail file on the backup pc to see if they were there but just 
didn't copy over. Sure enough they were - they didn't copy over because 
the permissions did not allow me to open them (I could only view them in 
the file manager). So, I reset permissions with the permissive chmod 
777, did another scp from the target machine to pull the Mailbox files 
over, re-pointed thunderbird to the mail file, and voila! everything is 

Thanks for your help!

Happy (so far) new fedora 7 user.

P.S. I was worried I'd have to do painful re-installs of rosegarden, 
open office, audacity, and hp-whatever-it's-called that lets me use my 
hp psc 1610. THe printer was detected so that's fine. As for ht apps, I 
just went to Add/Remove Software, picked out everything I want (it was 
all there) and I guess it just rips it off the 'net, 'cause it asked for 
no CDs (or DVDs). Good thing, as there's not much on the f7 live CD that 
I installed from. I installed to hd from the f7 live CD because I had no 
DVD burner (the full version of f7 is only on DVD).

Also, thanks for the advice about getting a DVD burner. Yeah, it /was/ 
the LG H54 (IDE) that the first salesman told me about. When I came back 
to pick it up, another salesman gave me the LG H62. I didn't check the 
back panel because I had never heard of SATA (I don't get out much). So, 
I exchanged the drive and have my IDE DVD RW installed now.

Again, thanks everyone!
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