"Canadian DMCA To Be Introduced This Spring"?
D. Hugh Redelmeier
hugh-pmF8o41NoarQT0dZR+AlfA at public.gmane.org
Wed Apr 18 18:30:18 UTC 2007
| From: tleslie <tleslie-RBVUpeUoHUc at public.gmane.org>
| Why do a great many people feel obligated to steal stuff?
I think that the word "steal" is inappropriate when talking about
contravention of Intellectual Monopoly. "Steal" is a concept that fits
things that you lose when someone else gets them.
| DRM isn't needed if people don't steal.
See above.
I think that I would agree with the idea of DRM if it was not used to
take away rights that I previously had. DRM is not about enforcing
traditional copyright, it is about give much more control (strict and
fine-grained) to the publisher (not even the creator).
| Government is at fault, they need to throw large volume pirates
| into the pokey and throw away the key.
| They applied muscle for dishes over the years, and they raid
| large volume "mod chip" video machine places, but it is harder
| to raid media/software piracy.
If I had a mainstream game console, I would like a mod chip in it (or
the software equivalent). It is a necessary precursor to running
Linux. I generally observe copyright and patent laws. But if I own a
piece of hardware, I want it to be working for me, not against me.
I would not run a game or other software that I hadn't properly
licensed. But I want the freedom to do my own things with my physical
devices. There are a number of bits of software that I won't used
because of the license terms, not because of the price.
| If we could throw people into the can for piracy, it would also
| benifit Linux, as many people have pirate MS OS's and if they
| have to buy legit , its Linux time!!
I agree. Microsoft uses piracy as a form of price discrimination.
Very effective in developing their monopoly. I'm sure that at some
points it was intentional. Probably not so any more in the developed
world -- they are suffering from market saturation and would like to
eke out any additional revenue they can.
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