advice and pointers on Apache, Bind/DNS, Ubuntu

Yanni Chiu yanni-bJEeYj9oJeDQT0dZR+AlfA at
Tue Oct 31 22:29:34 UTC 2006

It's been years (>10) since I've dug into Bind,
but here I am.

Here's what I want to do:
- a user comes to a site
- the user registers as "baz"
- a bunch of stuff is done in the server,
   but the net result should be that the
   user is redirected
   (ideally, already logged in, but I'll
   deal with that later).
- is a web app running on a
   local port, and proxied by Apache with vitual hosting

I know I've got a few pieces to work out,
but what I'd like advice on is how to automate
the Bind/DNS configuration. Simply adding an
entry to a postgres table for the subdomain would
be ideal. From what I've found so far, it looks
like some scripts to add records to the Bind config
is needed.

Also, does anyone know of existing (liberally licenced)
code to kick off the web app, and smoothly transfer
the original request. If not, I'll have to put something
together with Perl.

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