report cards read-only on floppy

Evan Leibovitch evan-ieNeDk6JonTYtjvyW6yDsg at
Tue Nov 28 17:00:07 UTC 2006

Jason.Shein-V7Ve2fXh0sTQT0dZR+AlfA at wrote:
> I hate to ask the obvious, but have you attempted inserting a new blank  floppy, and seeing if the problem persists?
Continuing with the 'eliminate the obvious' track, are you sure that the
write-protect thingy is in the correct position on the disk, that it's
covering the hole?

Can you write to it from a Windows system? Or any other system? Before
you agonize over mount options (using 'mtools' allows you to read and
write to DOS-formetted floppies without mounting), just ensure that this
particular floppy isn't read-only everywhere.

I take it that USB flash/pen drives (smaller, more capacity, less flaky,
and 128MB ones are now under $10) are not an option?

- Evan

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