List etiquette

Paul King pking123-rieW9WUcm8FFJ04o6PK0Fg at
Sat Mar 4 13:43:25 UTC 2006

On 3 Mar 2006 at 19:46, Ian Zimmerman (Ian Zimmerman <tlug-lxSQFCZeNF4 at>) spaketh these wourdes:

> Reminds me, Paul ... you still put @localhost into your Message-Ids.
> Can you tell us what distro you use so we can help you fix it?
> Arrrgh.  I see you're posting from Windows.  Gee.  I'd better watch what
> I say around here.

I post from both OSes, but my address book and mail/spam auto-sorting is done in 
Pegasus. Seems that email is handled much better than anything I have used. I 
just wish Pegasus had a Linux version, but there is apparently no intention to 
make one. They are predisposed to the *idea* of open source, but admit a 
dependance on many proprietary, Windows-based libraries that make it more work 
than they are prepared to handle.

A full statement of their position is on

I am not yet familiar enough with my other emailer, Ximian Evolution, to see 
where or how it auto-sorts mail into individual mailboxes. I get in excess of 70 
emails daily, and don't have time to hand-sort or delete all this (this is my 
current situation under Evolution). TLUG list emails are kept in their entirety 
as a reference, as are other mailing list email. One-quarter of what I get is 
spam, and Pegasus is pretty good at rooting it out and deleting it into a trash 
folder (so I can see that it did it right -- it hasn't been wrong yet), which 
permanently deletes the spam when I exit the program. Another thing I like about 
Pegasus, is that it is smart enough to detect foreign character sets (given a 
very simple filter setting) such as Korean, Cyrillic or Chinese, and 
automatically place them in the trash.

As for "@localhost" in the Message-Id header, I don't know what to say about 
that. First time I've noticed it.

Paul King

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