How can we help?

Paul King pking123-rieW9WUcm8FFJ04o6PK0Fg at
Wed Jun 28 12:43:10 UTC 2006

On 28 Jun 2006 at 8:30, Interlug spaketh these wourdes:

> Here's an interesting rumour for us to consider.  First seen on the
> Yahoo! Financial SCOX forum. 

<interesting story snipped>

> But what if it is true?  

I don't believe it. It makes for a great scare, but it essentially hands over 
control of that part of the user base to Linux. I don't feel that Redmond would 
ever want to hand over control like that. I would gladly turf windows if forced 
by WGA to do so, and I know they don't want anyone to. That would break the 
illusion they have created that Windoze is the only viable operating system 

> How will the Linux community help people effected by this unilateral
> termination of computer services?  How about Installfests?  Can we be
> prepared to host installfests for large numbers of disaffected
> Microsoft(r) users?   How about an installfest every week?  

Also, think of all the tech support possibilities!


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