hardware recommendation: 64-bit friendly 802.11G PCI card??

Christopher Friedt cfriedt-u6hQ6WWl8Q3d1t4wvoaeXtBPR1lH4CV8 at public.gmane.org
Tue Jul 25 02:25:04 UTC 2006

Hi everyone,

Can anyone recommend (from personal experience) an 802.11G PCI network 
adapter that _definitely_ works in a 64-bit linux environment (i.e. 
native linux source / drivers).

I purchased the TEW-423PI based on an earlier recommendation from the 
list. However, to my surprise, it was not actually supported natively in 
linux and only worked on 32 bit machines using ndiswrapper.

My first instinct tells me to go with a card using the rt2500 chip 
(http://rt2x00.serialmonkey.com/wiki/index.php/Main_Page) since that 
seems to have actively maintained kernel source.

A list of cards using this chip is at http://ralink.rapla.net . The 
cards that immediately jump out at me are

D-Link 		DWL-G510 rev C1
Linksys 	WMP54G v4

out of several dozen devices.

Has anyone on the list used one of the cards that appear on 
http://ralink.rapla.net with an AMD64 ? If so, can you recommend a card 
to buy, or maybe a card not to buy?

Thanks a bunch,

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