Size of Extended partition changed

Merv Curley mervc-MwcKTmeKVNQ at
Fri Jul 21 02:07:12 UTC 2006

This is the second time this has happened to me.  My 80 Gig drive had the 
usual 3 Primary part's and the extended to the end of the disk.  I have 
several logicals with about 30 gigs free.

Yesterday I tried to create a new partition and found there was no space.  The 
extended has changed its end point to the last created and formatted 
partition.  The rest is now hidden.

QTparted can't change the end point, is there any other way of recovering all 
that free space other than deleting all the logicals and changing the 
extended end point?

 If I can recreate the logicals with the same start and end cylinders, is 
there any chance they will still be ok?


Merv Curley
Toronto, Ont. Can

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