Xenophobia (was Re:jobs in Linux / IT)

Zbigniew Koziol zkoziol-Zd07PnzKK1IAvxtiuMwx3w at public.gmane.org
Thu Jan 19 01:02:01 UTC 2006

G. Matthew Rice wrote:
> Paul Sutton <zen14920-1HOZaDBbGgxaa/9Udqfwiw at public.gmane.org> writes:
>> As I started this thread off  by asking simply about jobs in Linux, I just
>> wondered what this theread now has to do with Linux.
> Nothing but since no one has invoked Godwin's Law, it's fair game...
It is fair. Besides, since the subject interests some people on this 
list... It is a good subject, I guess?

I will however disagree that there is nothing between "Linux jobs" and 
talking about issues related to socio-political functioning of the 
society. These of you more grown up have rather no doubt about that?

Let me explain better.

Actually, my mind is still functioning more in terms of physics, which 
is more my real profession. When I walk by the street I see physics 
everywhere around me. I "see" the quanta of light, photons, send to me 
by other objects around, at night I see the light from stars as distant 
as millions of light-years. I wonder how my cell phone is build that it 
can detect so weak radio signal from another phone in a remote place of 
the city. I think even why the sky at night is not entirely full of 
light ("Orbach paradox"). And how is that related to Schroedinger 
equation, entanglement of photons and electrons transversing the entire 
Universe. Even more: when I think about social phenomena, I am used to 
invoke from my memories analogies to statistical physics or theory of 
"self organized criticality", diffusion of air particles and diffusion 
of space dust or galaxies, to think in terms of E=mc2 and vortices in 
superconductors, or spins in a magnet (heh, not so many of you are aware 
that these tiny magnets you use everyday in many invisible engines are 
the macroscopic proof of validity of quantum mechanics!) Or even these 
bits and bites flipping on hard drive could not happen if quantum 
mechanics was true.

Everything is connected together and related. According to some, we even 
breathe the same air and have thoughts exchanged through telepathy.  No, 
telepathy is not a part of physics, but physics can not exclude that 
there is merit there.

Look broader, breath deeper! ;)


> This is the internet, after all.

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