Xenophobia (was Re:jobs in Linux / IT)

Madison Kelly linux-5ZoueyuiTZhBDgjK7y7TUQ at public.gmane.org
Wed Jan 11 16:57:21 UTC 2006

<snip round-about arguments>

   Um, I know this is now labelled as off-topic and all but I still 
think it's a pretty unfortunate thread for TLUG. It's starting to remind 
me of a certain person who liked to stir up the list over the value of 
new users... It kicks up emotions without providing any real benefit or 
growth to the group.

   I am sorry that some people feel that Canada has given them an unfair 
shake. However it happens to native Canadians, too. Try being a woman in 
a traditionally male-dominated field or vice versa. Try being 
disabled... The point is, people get screwed over all the time for 
unjustifiable reasons. I certainly know that myself.

   What is important is how you view these challanges. If you take up a 
victim mentality, you are doomed, period. On the other hand, if you let 
rejection roll off you, you will be able to quickly move on to the next 
opportunity. In looking for a job, who cares if a dozen companies pass 
over you for some stupid reason?

   You only need one job and once you get it the rest are no issue. 
Hell, if your skills are good then the company that hires you will have 
an advantage over the companies that passed you over for superficial 
reasons and likely are more likely to grow and prosper. Look at it like 
a way of filtering out the cruft and finding the cream jobs.

   At any rate, Canada is a pretty damn good country to be a minority 
in, *compared* to other countries. It certainly isn't perfect and anyone 
who looks can find several examples of fault but don't tar the entire 
county with the same brush. Someone who does has taken on the mentality 
of those who've ignored them. Some people and companies kick ass, others 
suck. It's life...


           Madison Kelly (Digimer)
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