DVDs are simple? Re:var is mysteriously clogged

Sy Ali sy1234-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w at public.gmane.org
Sun Jan 8 15:42:30 UTC 2006

On 1/7/06, Evan Leibovitch <evan-ieNeDk6JonTYtjvyW6yDsg at public.gmane.org> wrote:
> - Does anyone really use the "chapters" function of DVDs? Isn't it more
> valuable to be able to go easily to a specific time index?

I like chapter stops for skipping forced ads, warnings and other
start-of-DVD bs.  Time index would be a good feature for DVD players..
I was shocked that the "technology" didn't come out.  I had seen VCRs
which had a turnable knob for fast forwarding and rewinding.. which I
thought was cool.. but remotes never had such a thing.

A little knob on a remote would be an easily-understood interface for
moving around a DVD's timeline.  Just as long as that's all it did..
remote manufacturers would probably make it a joystick and also make
it clickable.  Ugh.

Maybe remote makers get a per-button commission?  Maybe marketers
convince them that the market has some kind of competition for more
and more buttons.. maybe someone convinced someone else that more
buttons would sell more devices.

.. Oh, and someone has to make the obligatory Apple Computers "one
button remote" comment.  Just "go", but probably with a + on it or
something.. all In shiny white, of course.

And it has 1500 accessories.. wrist strap, neck strap, skins.. other
models with an lcd display that can show photos..

Sorry for the tangent, but remotes are indeed mindbogglingly complex. 
I can't even remember what the first half of the remote does by the
time I get to the second half.
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