MP3 Players
Christopher Browne
cbbrowne-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w at
Tue Feb 28 19:41:01 UTC 2006
On 2/28/06, Michael MacLeod <mikemacleod-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w at> wrote:
> With regards to the iPod, it appears as a regular firewire or usb external
> drive (newer iPod models don't have firewire, they're usb 2.0 only). You can
> copy files to the iPod just like any other external media, however, you
> can't just play them on the iPod. When you copy music to an iPod from
> iTunes, it updates an xml file on the iPod, which is where the play count
> and star ratings and stuff are also stored for each track, and how iTunes
> syncs this information up between your main library and your iPod.
> I believe Rhythmbox can read and write this xml file. At least it could when
> I was doing this research a little under two years ago. I ended up
> purchasing a powerbook g4 as well as a ipod, so the whole issue became moot
> for me :)
> But either way, iPod's should be supported well enough under linux.
What is on the iPod is NOT an XML document; it is some sort of binary
database. (Sort of like DBM.) It is fairly easily mapped onto an XML
document, so there are several apps that can handle that.
You can also look up an application called "gnupod"; that knows how to
manipulate the iPod database file.
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