OT: laser printer

moliver-fC0AHe2n+mcIvw5+aKnW+Pd9D2ou9A/h at public.gmane.org moliver-fC0AHe2n+mcIvw5+aKnW+Pd9D2ou9A/h at public.gmane.org
Mon Feb 27 03:37:16 UTC 2006

Quoting Lennart Sorensen <lsorense-1wCw9BSqJbv44Nm34jS7GywD8/FfD2ys at public.gmane.org>:

> In my experience, streaks usually mean the toner cartridge is bad.  At
> least on printers where the toner and transfer roller are in one piece.
> Using recycled cartridges will occationally give you this from a "new"
> cartridge if they didn't replace a damaged roller when they refilled it.

Rats.  I bought the new cartridge not that long ago; it cost more
than the printer did.  AFAIK it was not recycled (and it worked fine
for a while).

> I suppose if changing the toner cartridge doesn't clear it, then there
> must be toner somewhere else that it shouldn't be and the printer
> probably has to be cleaned or have the affected part replaced (the
> rollers don't last forever in laser printers).

Given that changing the cartridge costs more than a hundred bucks
it's not my first choice.  I do still have the old empty cartridge;
I suppose I could try getting one of those refill kits.  Any experience
with that?


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