Bill Gate will have a dinner in his dinning room with a baby-eater from China.
Byron Sonne
blsonne-bJEeYj9oJeDQT0dZR+AlfA at
Sat Feb 25 19:44:20 UTC 2006
My understanding of the whole baby eating thing is that it was *FAKE*
but done as an art project by a dude named Zhu Yu. It's not actually
baby he's eating, but rather meat and food shaped and coloured to look
like a baby. Pretty convincing too.
Here's links
I can't believe people would be stupid enough to believe this!
Granted there appear to be legitimate cases of cannibalism during the
'Great Leap Forward' in China, but I'm pretty sure most cultures/people
would resort to that when things got truly, extremely dire (witness the
'Donner Party' in the American Southwest) and that Chilean football team
Having said all this, food is food. I bet baby would probably taste
pretty good :)
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