Linux World Canada Show, April 24-26, 2006

Meng Cheah meng-D1t3LT1mScs at
Tue Feb 7 14:57:03 UTC 2006

Kihara Muriithi wrote:

>Hi all,
> This thread triggered a question. Is there a CD for Linux from
>scratch distribution? I know its just hundreds of tar balls, but that
>can actually be very helpful for someone who is travelling to a place
>why dial up is a stable food.
>  I once though of collecting all the files, but its not easy if you
>haven't read through the LFS book. A collection of all those tar balls
>tied to a specific book version would life less boring when you can't
>be on line often
>On 05/02/06, John Macdonald <john-Z7w/En0MP3xWk0Htik3J/w at> wrote:
>>On Sun, Feb 05, 2006 at 09:41:14PM -0500, Ivan Avery Frey wrote:
>>>Colin McGregor wrote:
>>>>Ok, so the one item that seemed to strike a nerve on
>>>>this list was giving away CDs at the Linux World
>>>>Canada Show. With that in mind I will draft a
>>>>"request" e-mail to send to various commercial
>>>>distributions this weekend, with the following
>>>>questions to be answered next:
>>>>- How many CDs should I be asking for, of what type,
>>>>from each firm? Keeping in mind that they may not send
>>>>all the CDs I ask for, and that it is a game (for me
>>>>at least and some (many?) others) to collect as much
>>>>stuff ("swag") as possible at a show (so we want more
>>>>that what seems reasonable :-) ).
>>>>- Which firms should I be approaching, and can anyone
>>>>offer contact names/addresses? My first take on firms
>>>>would be:
>>>>- Canonical Ltd. - Ubuntu Badger (or higher)
>>>Dapper is set for release April 20th. We're stuck in a Catch-22 situation
>>>where it looks kinda amateurish to be distributing copies of Badger and we
>>>won't have any copies of Dapper on hand.
>>Perhaps.  We could add info about the release to the list of net
>>downloads available.  It could be easier for some people to use
>>the (just out of date) copy of Badge to install on a system, and
>>then upgrade to Drake online without having to download a CD.

enjoy :-)

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