Gimp vs Photoshop vs Picasa

Sy Ali sy1234-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w at
Thu Feb 2 14:59:25 UTC 2006

Yes, the gimp has a level-editing function.  Once you're in that
screen there's an "auto" button of some kind which takes a best guess.
 It's not bad.

Also, adjusting the white level is worlds away from adjusting contrast.

Image > Colo(u)r Tools > Levels

There you'll see an Auto button.


FYI there are some nice tricks where you can mask off a certain area
and only change the levels for that region.  It does wonders for
fixing things above/below a horizon or in/out of shadow.


On 2/2/06, William O'Higgins Witteman <william.ohiggins-H217xnMUJC0sA/PxXw9srA at> wrote:
> I am slowing selling my wife on an OS migration, and so far one thing I
> found in windoze image editing is a quick-fix utility for adjusting
> photos.  In Photoshop it is called "auto contrast" or "auto levels", and
> in picasa it is called "I'm feeling lucky", but it does a nice, quick
> job of making less perfect images more perfect.  Is there a similar
> setting or plugin for the gimp?
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