Vista, etc.

D. Hugh Redelmeier hugh-pmF8o41NoarQT0dZR+AlfA at
Fri Dec 22 22:21:00 UTC 2006

| From: Simon <simon80-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w at>

[Please, folks, trim your posts.  And don't top-post.  The Fedora
mailing list guidlines seem reasonable:

| Also, there must be other practical uses for AIGLX than just this,
| like accelerating remote clients, which I _assume_ is possible now.

I don't really understand the new things in X.  My impression is that
many new facilities are not great over a wire.  Like Render.

I'm not even sure that X drivers don't compromise security: allowing
direct access to the video card may allow direct access to anything in
memory.  Even if you are only trusting the X server program, that is a
lot of code to trust.

|  I
| also would say it got merged basically because it adds optional new
| functionality without breaking anything.

Yikes.  As if X didn't already have too many features.

Actually, my ongoing concern is that the state of open-source OpenGL
acceleration is really bad so requiring 3d performance practically
requires proprietary (closed-source) drivers.

As a defensive move, I've stocked up on a couple of Radeon 9250s and
my latest laptop uses Intel graphics.  Both are slow but have
open-source 3d acceleration.
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