Dig Camera

John Moniz john.moniz-rieW9WUcm8FFJ04o6PK0Fg at public.gmane.org
Thu Dec 21 20:37:23 UTC 2006

In the spirit of leaving Christmas shopping to the last minute, I now have an urgent question about a digital camera for a family member. I have narrowed it down to either a Kodak Z612 or an Olympus SP-510, which have similar features and pricing.

The Kodak model is now listed on the gphoto2 site as being compatible, so I imagine it'll work either now or when I update my gphoto2. The Olympus model is not listed at all, despite it having been around for about 6 months, I am told. This worries me.

If the Olympus SP-510 is either USB Mass Storage or PTP (I haven't been able to confirm the transfer protocol as yet), is it likely to be recognized anyway? Is anyone using this camera with Linux?

The Olympus model is being recommended by the sales guys over the Kodak. Since both models use the SD card, I suppose there's always the option to use a card reader, but it would be nice to be able to plug in the camera and have it recognized.

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