report cards read-only on floppy
Chris Aitken
caitken-Bm8TULXj0r/3fQ9qLvQP4Q at
Sun Dec 3 22:43:50 UTC 2006
Evan Leibovitch wrote:
>Jason.Shein-V7Ve2fXh0sTQT0dZR+AlfA at wrote:
>>I hate to ask the obvious, but have you attempted inserting a new blank floppy, and seeing if the problem persists?
>Continuing with the 'eliminate the obvious' track, are you sure that the
>write-protect thingy is in the correct position on the disk, that it's
>covering the hole?
>Can you write to it from a Windows system?
Yeah - maybe that is the problem. I started witht he floppy in the linux
box, then took it out of town, modified the .doc (OpenOffice files)
files in Word, saved them to the floppy and took it home and had all
this trouble getting into them on the linux box. So, did the Windows
machine do something to the files so that they are flagged a read-only
in linux, or, maybe more exactly, did it do something to the filesystem
to mark it as read-only in linux? the only reason I'm putting all this
effort into this, is because I typically have feew/small enough files
that I need to modify on different machines here and there that a floppy
(as a medium) is fine for me.
>Or any other system? Before
>you agonize over mount options (using 'mtools' allows you to read and
>write to DOS-formatted floppies without mounting), just ensure that this
>particular floppy isn't read-only everywhere.
>I take it that USB flash/pen drives (smaller, more capacity, less flaky,
>and 128MB ones are now under $10) are not an option?
>- Evan
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