moving to a larger hard drive...

Teddy David Mills teddymills-VFlxZYho3OA at
Sat Dec 2 12:41:52 UTC 2006

I would leave the 30GB in there for now.
When the drive fills up, copy all the data in /myth/tv out to wherever 
you need.

The target could be the 320GB SATA installed locally on the mythtv box.
Possibly either on the SATA2 interface, or a Vantec external SATA/USB2 box.
I have only 100mbit network cards and 100mbit switch, and I move 100GB 
of data every few weeks.
I enabled samba on mythtv, and just copy all the data out to anything on 
the network that has the space.

I know there are a lot of linux tools out there that do drive imaging, 
and do proportional copying.
That is copy the data to the new drive and make new partitions in 
propotion to the original drive.

However, even if you make the 320GB your primary drive, you will fill 
that up soon enough and
will have to find some space somewhere to put that data.  Make do, until 
they release the HVD I guess.

Aaron Vegh wrote:
> Hi TLUGers,
> I've got a mythtv system that had a 30GB drive. Predictably, I have
> now purchased a 320GB drive to replace it. Now, given the hassle
> involved in getting the system working (and it's just right!), you can
> imagine I'd much rather just duplicate the drive onto the larger one.
> However, the dd command proved less than useful! It created a
> duplicate but seemed to have made my drive 30GB in size. Plus, the
> resulting drive wouldn't boot the computer (a problem with Grub,
> perhaps? It stalls at a flashing cursor on boot, suggesting it doesn't
> see a boot drive).
> Further complicating factors include the fact that the old drive is
> IDE, the new drive is SATA2. We're moving from /dev/hda to /dev/sda.
> I've read online that dd will simply replicate the partition, but
> there must be a way to move files across such that it'll boot?
> Any advice you can give would be tremendously helpful.
> Thanks,
> Aaron.
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