Mildly OT: AMD's latest chip(s)

Christopher Browne cbbrowne-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w at
Fri Dec 1 19:42:52 UTC 2006

On 12/1/06, Giles Orr <gilesorr-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w at> wrote:
> I'm a fan of AMD, although I admit that some of my joy in their
> existence is just contrariness.  I've bought systems with their chips
> before, and for a while before Intel let out the Core Duo processors,
> AMD was producing better chips than Intel.  The above URL contains a
> (poorly formatted) review of the new AMD QuadFX platform: two dual
> core chips on one board, meant to compete with Intel's quad core.
> Apparently it's the loudest system they've ever reviewed, and it draws
> 600w with only one graphics card on board.

It would have to be mighty loud to be louder than the Celestica
quad-Opterons that we've got.  Those have *GOT* to be placed in a
server room; they're preposterously too loud to have in an office

In a way, the big merit to AMD seems to me to not have anything to do
with "people-facing" machines; they're *particularly* good if they
have a huge whack of CPU power (which one or two users won't be able
to properly harness) and a huge whack of RAM (again, not readily
harnessable by desktop-y users).  Ergo, server machines, which don't
need to be particularly quiet.
"...  memory leaks  are  quite acceptable  in  many applications  ..."
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