New to the group and a question

David R. Meyer david-n6TUjxoeaMtM656bX5wj8A at
Thu Aug 24 17:55:25 UTC 2006

Hello All,

I wanted to introduce myself and ask a question.  My name is David
Meyer, and I am a software engineer with a major software manufacturer
in the US.  I live in Tampa, FL but find myself in your fine city
fairly often as of late, and will be coming up on Sunday for the week.

I am interested to find out if visitor, especially us war-monger
Americans (that was a joke) are welcome at the picnic on Sunday.  I
happened to find out about it on the Linux Caffe site.

As I'm not that familiar with the park where you'll be, I was also
hoping for some local intel on parking, etc.  You can email me off-list
if you need to burn bandwidth.

Thanks, and I hope to join you on Sunday.

David Meyer

The Toronto Linux Users Group.      Meetings:
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