Linux on an AMD64 box...

Jamon Camisso jamon.camisso-H217xnMUJC0sA/PxXw9srA at
Sun Aug 20 14:12:38 UTC 2006

Lennart Sorensen wrote:
> Yeah it takes like 10 or 15 minutes to do following the howto.  There
> are a few tricks for a few programs to deal with, but for most things it
> works fine.
> I actually run 32bit debian on an amd64, with a 64bit kernel, and then
> 64bit debian in a chroot.

So how do you have that working? You install a 32bit version and then 
simply compile and/or copy your 64bit kernel and associated /lib/kernel 
folder to your 32bit install? I'm interested as I do find that even 
using dchroot and various other methods of running 32bit programs on 
64bit kernels, there are some quirky little things, like missing gtk 
libraries etc. for, say Firefox, that I don't want to have to track down 
and install...

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