Probably the biggest thing to ever happen to Linux

Evan Leibovitch evan-ieNeDk6JonTYtjvyW6yDsg at
Fri Aug 18 15:31:49 UTC 2006

ted leslie wrote:

>as quoted in the article
>"We have for the first time a real alternative to the Windows desktop.
>Linux and open source are there,"

To me this is good news but hardly the biggest thing, or even a Really 
Big Thing. Above all, it's hardly _the_ 'killer app' for the Linux 
desktop that will get people moving over in large numbers.

Open source media players have been able, with the right downloaded 
codecs, to play WMV files for some time. The opening of the formats 
(which have been in binary-only codecs until now) is certainly nice, but 
I'm not likely going to stop using Kaffeine just because a new 
Helix/Real player offers the format.

On one hand, the Real/Helix player may be an easy way to play WMV files 
on 64-bit systems, which can't use the current codecs. OTOH, the opening 
of the formats will allow existing players such as Xine and mplayer to 
add their own support the formats without needing Real's widely-disliked 
player application.

IMO, there are bigger advancements for the open source desktop that are 
either on the way or haven't yet happened:
- good 3d acceleration (XGL and family)
- Pantone support for GIMP (unfortunately, critical in getting the 
platform accepted by the graphic arts community)
- Wine being easy to install *and* supporting more Win apps without 
needing proprietary support (ie CrossOver)

I'm sure other people have their own lists of what's missing.

- Evan

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