Online store ecommerce

Evan Leibovitch evan-ieNeDk6JonTYtjvyW6yDsg at
Sat Aug 12 14:28:25 UTC 2006

Rob Sutherland wrote:

>I did a comparision between OsCommerce and Zencart last year and basically, 
>if you want something that will work out of the box Zencart is the way to go. 
>However, if you need to do anything like hook your shopping cart up to 
>SugarCRM or do SEO tricks or something, OsCommerce is the way to go because 
>there's so much going on in the community. OTOH, OsCommerce is such a mess 
>under the hood that you'd better know what you're doing. Even if you know how 
>to use version management and diff/patch etc. it's a major pain.
A good compromise is the ecommerce module of Drupal. Like OsCommerce, 
it's part of a widely used CMS system with a huge community, a lot of 
extensions, and the availability of a powerful CRM. Unlike OsCommerce, 
its code is clean enough that others in the community are doing 
contributed modules for it without needing to fork.

The downside is that, while it installs cleanly, Drupal's ecommerce can 
be a bit of a challenge to configure and its default look-and-feel could 
be much better. However, it is in active development -- some important 
features, such as product attributes, are relatively new.

Drupal's ecommerce is running on the CLUE site and operating quite well.

- Evan

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