Bypass Symaptico SMTP

Christopher Browne cbbrowne-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w at
Mon Sep 26 03:56:20 UTC 2005

On 9/25/05, lfeder <lfeder-rieW9WUcm8FFJ04o6PK0Fg at> wrote:
> I am using Sympatico, but now I want to send out email and not use Symaptico
> I know I can always use a webmail like Hotmail or Yahoo, and this will work.
> However, I need to use email and email clients on the
> PC.(Evolution/Thunderbird whatever)
> The only ways I can figure on getting around Bells port 25 filtering is to
> make a RDP or VNC or VPN connection to another remote machine on a different
> network and then use that PC or network to send email.
> Is there an easier way?

I don't know about "easier," but if you can locate a relay that will
accept connections on some port other than 25, that may work.

Port 465 is evidently the "standard" port for ssmtp (secure SMTP);
it's worth looking for relays on that port.

Open relays tend to be a bad thing, but this does not force
authenticating relays to be a Force For Evil...
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