rogers modem upgrade / port 25

Stephen stephen-d-bJEeYj9oJeDQT0dZR+AlfA at
Tue Sep 20 00:15:54 UTC 2005

Jon Thiele wrote:

>The main reason ISPs block outbound TCP/UDP 25 is that many Windows trojans
>come with a complete SMTP engine that can be used for sending spam,
>propagating the trojan and/or DOS attacks.  If the outbound port is blocked,
>then this lessens the exposure...
Does the smtp server forward mail via port 25?

If I activate my Linux server's smtp server, and point my email clients 
to it, the email clients will use port 25.

When my smtp server goes to deliver the email to the recipient's 
domain's email server, what port does it use? Does it talk to an smtp 
server, or the pop3 server?

>I refuse to use Roger's mail servers since they are not located in Canada.
Hmmm... the internet is kinda global.

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