Linux World / Network World 2006

Evan Leibovitch evan-ieNeDk6JonTYtjvyW6yDsg at
Mon Oct 24 05:36:58 UTC 2005

William Park wrote:

>Exact wording is
>    "Individual members may not promote their own work or business."
I'll speak to Bruce and see if he can clarify that -- whether "work"
applied to non-commercial members' presentations.

>As for GTALUG's purpose...  Irrespective of incorporation,
>non-incorporation, for-profit, not-for-profit, GTALUG must provide
>benefit to the members.  Otherwise, people will not join, and GTALUG
>will not grow.
Come on, let's not get silly. Of course it has to do with incorporation
and for-profit versus non-profit.

What I have yet to see from GTALUG is:

1) Who does it want as members?

2) What does it plan to do for them (outside of organization and
structure upon what already exists)?

>My fear is that the condition will stand, even if GTALUG pays for the booth.
It's simply amazing that when "everybody agreed that GTALUG is ideal
umbrella to be under", "everybody" did not have amongst them one person
who considered such consequences.

- Evan

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