Linux World / Network World 2006

William Park opengeometry-FFYn/CNdgSA at
Thu Oct 20 20:03:19 UTC 2005

On Thu, Oct 20, 2005 at 03:10:23PM -0400, Colin McGregor wrote:
> --- interlug-list <interlug-vSRlqIl1h/9eoWH0uzbU5w at> wrote:
> > If they'll provide one room for a meeting, perhaps they'll provide a
> > second room for an installfest?  Might the trade show be a good
> > environment for that?
> My impression is that if they have a room available
> and we can do something interesting with it, then it
> is ours. In other words, yes we could likely get a
> room for an installfest. The next question is would it
> be wise?
> The answer to the wisdom of running an install fest at
> the show is an open question. The show organizers will
> NOT pay for our internet connectivity at the show (we
> are on our own for that, and we are on our own should
> we want to serve food/drink at the show). The

1. Installfest is good idea.  It's better than having mere discussion on
    distros.  It gives people the chance to see something with their own
    eyes.  Perhaps, we should have several machine running major
    distros, as demo.

2. Why do we need Internet connection at all?  Aren't we installing off

3. Perhaps, we should bring other LUGs with us, like Peterborough,
    Kitchener/Waterloo, Hamilton, etc.  If they have people doing
    something special (eg. VoIP), this will be an opportunity to demo
    their stuff.  

    Bunch of people handing out their business cards is meaningless and
    distracting.  But, if they have something that people can touch,
    see, and try out, then, yes, it serves their interest and it serves
    our interest.  

    I'll bring this up at the next board meeting.  Colin, if you can
    attend, we would like to hear more detail.
William Park <opengeometry-FFYn/CNdgSA at>, Toronto, Canada
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