One of those monumental days ........

pking123-rieW9WUcm8FFJ04o6PK0Fg at pking123-rieW9WUcm8FFJ04o6PK0Fg at
Fri Nov 4 12:13:43 UTC 2005

> ok, its embeded, and yeah its via a partnership (not 100% them)
> but technically MS is selling linux now!!!!

>From what I read (see the article it refers to), MS is partnering with Aruba 
to fix MS's own network infrastructure. It is also known that Aruba uses 
Linux. By extension, MS is using Linux for themselves, which flies in the 
face of their "get the facts" ad campaign, which touts MS-based networks as 
superior and more secure.

In other words, they don't appear to be selling Linux; they are just using 
it for their own needs, if I read the article correctly (admittedly I was 
skimming through it). I saw no indication that they are actually selling 

But even so, perhaps hell has frozen over indeed. 

And the funny thing is, I would think that there will still be buyers out 
there who will buy MS server software. I mean, this isn't the first time 
that the bone-headedness of Microsoft's marketing logic was exposed. What 
does it really take to turn people off MS? It appears that the only reason 
that people use MS is "because everyone else is using it". And by extension, 
no-one uses Linux "because no one is using it". You can say what you like 
about the virtues of Linux, but the prevailing logic is that "no one else is 
using it", and that is reason enough for many people.

Paul King

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