ms on the offensive again
joehill-rieW9WUcm8FFJ04o6PK0Fg at
Fri May 20 22:44:07 UTC 2005
On Fri, 20 May 2005 20:44:14 +0300 (IDT)
Peter disseminated the following:
> You don't expect the powers that be to show any *Common Sense*, do you ?
No one with any brains does, but South America, including Brazil, has been
giving the US and its 'corporate citizens' the middle finger of late, esp when
the people make it very clear to the pols that they're sick of the way things
have been going these past few decades under the dictates of their relationship
with Western institutions like the IMF and World Bank (if you call *pimping* an
economic relationship).
> I mean, after all the c**p that's been flowing ? And, most of the world
> is not Brazil
Brazil is one of the world's fastest growing economies. Where they go in terms
of F/OSS or Microshaft is of great concern.
Between Brazil and China, MS stands to lose access to billions of dollars in
revenue, hence their intense interest in these regions, and that goes for a lot
of other grifters, er, I mean corporations and their government lackeys.
JoeHill / RLU #282046 /
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against the innocent. He who does these things shall never be moved." -- Psalm
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