Going Down Hard...
Marcus Brubaker
marcus.brubaker-H217xnMUJC0sA/PxXw9srA at public.gmane.org
Mon May 9 21:16:34 UTC 2005
Christopher Browne wrote:
>On 5/9/05, Lennart Sorensen <lsorense-1wCw9BSqJbv44Nm34jS7GywD8/FfD2ys at public.gmane.org> wrote:
>>I actually wonder what makes it the fc3 version of glibc 2.3.5?
>>In the past redhat had released incompatible libc versions. Do they
>>still do that or is this just an issue of a glibc2.1 program doesn't
>>like 2.3?
>I'd expect this to be a matter of the latter.
>There were quite a number of proprietary applications that got
>compiled to use internal bits of GLIBC 2.0 (Oracle Database comes to
>mind) where when things changed in 2.1, this caused some trouble.
>I fully expect the problem to be that it is NOT good enough to have a
>library that claims/feigns seeming-compatibility with the desired
>LIBC; the application probably depends on bugs that exist in the
>REQUIRED version of LIBC.
>This may mean you have to install an old distribution version in order
>to get the application to work.
I ran in to this bug myself with old Loki games. The best I could track
down was a kernel version problem. Something like one of the newer
kernels broke something badly. The reason I say this is because for one
of the games (forget which one) it turned out that the kernel that FC3
shipped with worked, but any newer ones didn't. Something like that.
One possible solution is to VMWare an old Linux distro.
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