Installfest - Monitors

Christopher Browne cbbrowne-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w at
Fri May 6 14:51:35 UTC 2005

On 5/6/05, Steve <bassix-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w at> wrote:
> If I plan on showing up for the June Installfest, what do I need to bring (other than 
>computer)? Monitor, keyboard, mouse? I'd rather not cart around my
19" CRT if I
>didn't have to!

Good question!

If the number of machines being worked with remains fairly small, it
could be reasonable to anticipate that there would be a few monitors
brought along so that you'd not forcibly need to bring one.  That
obviously adds to the "InstallFest Kit" manifest 'a few monitors.'

If it is planned to have 20 PCs getting simultaneously "Linuxed," it 
gets pretty unreasonable for someone to bring 20 monitors,
particularly not 19" monsters!

This raises an issue...  Configuring X is always somewhat
monitor-dependent, with the result that that portion of the process
may not be entirely successful unless you bring YOUR monitor.

It's probably easy enough to have an extra couple keyboards and mice
tucked away in the "spare hardware" box, but the "How do I configure
X?" issue presents a reason that you might want to consider bringing
your monitor.

I haven't done much X config work in the last couple of years, so the
issues may have changed somewhat, tho that would surprise me...
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