SAMBA and Nautilus

PW Armstrong pwa.linux-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w at
Thu Mar 10 13:50:59 UTC 2005

I got Samba up and running a few weeks ago, and now my 2 Windows pc's (1 
XP + 1 W98)  can access my Linux files.  I can also access the Windows 
shares from my linux pc at the command line.

But I can't access the Windows shares from my Nautilus file manager. 
What's the secret here?  I'm thinking I'm not specifying the location 
quite right?  But maybe something else has to be tweaked.  Any suggestions?

Btb, I'm running Nautilus vn. 2.0.6, and RH 8.

Thx very much.

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