Need an ISP in TO

Lennart Sorensen lsorense-1wCw9BSqJbv44Nm34jS7GywD8/FfD2ys at
Thu Jul 21 21:02:11 UTC 2005

On Mon, Jul 18, 2005 at 08:30:21PM -0500, Sy wrote:
> No, I don't have access to anything closer to the source.  Still, I
> subscribed to their line care thing so if it turns out to be a
> building/internal wiring issue, it's covered.  There are two issues..
> one is the nasty noise which is now disconnecting me, and the other is
> a history of an overall poor connection.
> I suspect that my building's wiring may be from the '50s.

When I had ADSL I lived on the 21th floor of an appartment build that
was probably from the 60s.  My line often dropped if the A/C went on in
the building, or the sun was baking the side of the building (although
that was usually what caused the A/C to turn on).  Given the phone wire
went from the bedroom, down through 20 floors to the patch panel, and
then continued up 20 floors to the kitchen, I figure there was 400' of
crappy old untwisted phone wire bundled with 20 other apparentments wire
with the outgoing line connected to the middle of the T.  I think the
fastest connection I ever saw was 640kbit according to the DSL modem
diagnostics, and sometimes it just couldn't connect.  ADSL hates crappy
noisy wires a lot.

Lennart Sorensen
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