Compusale Linux talk

Robert Brockway rbrockway-wgAaPJgzrDxH4x6Dk/4f9A at
Fri Feb 18 04:24:32 UTC 2005

Hi all.  Compusale (a trade show) want someone to do some Linux talks in a 
couple of weeks.  I did 3 of these talks when Compusale as in Mississauga 
a few months back.

Anyone interested?  I had a good time but am just too busy at the moment.

The audience tend to know next to nothing about Linux and often aren't 
strong in computing generally so a low tech, high graphics talk is 
probably the best approach.

The audiences for the earlier talks were primary interested in reasons 
they'd like to make the jump.  I talked about a few different apps. 
Interestingly lyx got a bit of interest as did The Gimp.  Firefox would be 
a good one to bring up.  I had a fairly long Question & Answer section at 
the end of each talk and this seemed to be very successful.  I got a 
chance to explain why open standards are a good thing and why imbeddeding 
parts of the browser in the kernel is insane (as a certain OS has done).

We don't need a guru for these talks.



Robert Brockway B.Sc.
Senior Technical Consultant, OpenTrend Solutions Ltd.
Phone: 416-669-3073 Email: rbrockway-wgAaPJgzrDxH4x6Dk/4f9A at
OpenTrend Solutions: Reliable, secure solutions to real world problems.
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