"Roaming profiles" style system... suggestions?

Madison Kelly linux-5ZoueyuiTZhBDgjK7y7TUQ at public.gmane.org
Mon Feb 14 05:56:26 UTC 2005

Madison Kelly wrote:
> Hi all,
>   I am trying to set up my first all-Linux network. Until now most of my 
> networks have been based on MS clients or, more often, networks where 
> "normal" communication was using web-based front ends.
>   As it stands I am currently planning to have the server connect to 
> each client at night using 'rsync' and copying any deltas over to the 
> server before running a backup. What I would really like to do though is 
> have a setup similar to MS' "roaming profiles" like I used to use over 
> Samba. I know that I could use an NFS share as the user's home directory 
> which is mounted at boot. That though would limit the system to one user 
>  to a given machine.
>   Is there a way (google hasn't helped yet) to have a script run when a 
> user enters their name and password? This way, I hope, I could write a 
> script that would not mount anything off NFS until the user logs in and 
> then mount the appropriate NFS share when the user validates him or 
> herself.
>   Is there any how-tos or other helpful information someone could point 
> me to? It would be a real help! Thank you!
> Madison


   Forgot to mention; I am currently using Fedora Core 3.



Madison Kelly (Digimer)
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