var is mysteriously clogged

David Thornton david-FkEgs2FKm2NvBvnq28/GKQ at
Thu Dec 29 15:59:30 UTC 2005

I'm with Walter.

linux != Windows

Linux is not an open system so that you can treat it like a closed system.
You reboot windows because you CAN'T know what's going on.
Under a freenix you CAN know what's going on and you should.

hmm... on second though this is a bit of OSS Snoobery on my part. You can learn "what's up" on a solaris system much better than on a windows system. I can't speak to AIX , SCO, HP-UX et al.

It's good to be skeptical of a setup ( even one you created yourself). It's not good to believe you can't figure it out. 


(Being a sysadmin is not rocket science.)
I had the exact same issue on my server ( df / du mismatches.)

I simply stopped each service that was using files on var... then I umounted it and remounted it.

Problem gone. system uptime intact.

I had a permission problem in my syslog-ng setup.

Problem found and fixed. System better.

I've been running gentoo for more than a year. Others have said : Gentoo is nothing more than an experiment. I agree. so far so good.
I have gotten into crazy situations and I have gotten out of them..
speaking of which does anyone know why there are so many versions of automake and autoconf installed as part of the base install?


Walter Dnes wrote:

>On Mon, Dec 26, 2005 at 08:27:29AM -0500, Sy Ali wrote
>>Upon rebooting, my mysterious issue went away.
>  Repeat after me...
>  linux != Windows
>  Thou shalst not rebooteth
>  Since it was syslogd holding the files open (as per your previous
>message) all you had to do was to restart syslogd.  That should've
>released the filespace.  There is a "postrotate" clause in logrotate
>that can do this for you automatically.  I use syslog-ng which uses a
>"reload" option; syslogd might use "restart".  Check the man pages for
>your software.  Here's my /etc/logrotate.d/syslog-ng file...
># $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-admin/syslog-ng/files/syslog-ng.logrotate,v 1.2 2004/07/18 02:25:02 dragonheart Exp $
># Syslog-ng logrotate snippet for Gentoo Linux
># contributed by Michael Sterrett
>/var/log/messages {
>    sharedscripts
>    postrotate
>        /etc/init.d/syslog-ng reload > /dev/null 2>&1 || true
>    endscript

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