Totally at my wits end, i need help! or point to a place that can help!

D. Hugh Redelmeier hugh-pmF8o41NoarQT0dZR+AlfA at
Fri Dec 9 22:00:06 UTC 2005

| From: ted leslie <tleslie-RBVUpeUoHUc at>

| This is one bitch of a problem.

You sound understandably frantic.

You have to decide how much time you have to get a solution fielded.
Tracking down the problem might take time.

| I have a product, a boot DVD, runs linux, used by companies, and generally works fine.

I don't understand this sentence.  Is this a product you created, or
one you acquired some how.  Perhaps this is a mixture of the two: a
distro you have customized.  This affects how much fixing you can do.

| 90% of them work perfect.

| now for the most part i solved the problems up until now by suggesting a different video card.
| In all cases the boot DVD didnt have support for, for example Ati Xpress 200, etc.
| Once using a card that was detected, the problem goes away.
| Its odd thou, that the apps in Linux: browser, large flash soft-phone, etc, all work fine under
| the fall-through VESA mode.

Sure sounds like an X bug.  But your description isn't clear enough to
be sure.

Are you saying that in VESA mode you get the failure?  Always?  Only?

Is the problem related to colour depth?  How many bits per pixel are
used in the working cases?  In the non-working cases?  Most modern
cards support 24 or 32 bpp, but perhaps VESA modes are only 16 or 8

I don't actually understand VESA mode in X.  Do you mean VESA FB mode,
or straight VESA mode?

Do you have an in-house failing system that you can experiment with?

X will always be behind in supporting hardware for which the
manufacturers refuse to support X.
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